Volume 10, Issue 6: 251-258; November 27, 2020
DUODENUM OF SHEEP (Ovis aries) AND RABBIT (Oryctolagus
Hawraa Jabbar MOHAMMAD1, Ali Khalaf ALI1 , Zainab Abdul Jabbar Ridha AL-ALI1
1Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Misan, Maysan, Iraq
Email: Dr.AliKhalaf@uomisan.edu.iq;
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to compare the histomorphometric and histochemical features of the duodenum
twenty sheep (n=10) and rabbit (n=10) adult males. The samples were collected from slaughterhouse and
markets of Misan and were used for histological studies of two types of stains, hematoxylin and eosin, and
special stains (Periodic acid Schiff stains). In histological approach, in both animals, the wall of the duodenum
consists of four layers (mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa). In both animals, the mucosa of the
duodenum lined by simple columnar epithelium and has number of villi compose of absorptive (enterocytes) and
goblet cells only in duodenum, the submucosa occupied by Brunner’s glands. Brunner’s glands are varying in
secretory unit acinai in rabbit serous and mucous acini while in sheep the mucus acini. There is significant
difference in thickness of layers between sheep and rabbits. Mucosa, sub mucosa and muscularis layers in
sheep showed more thickness than in rabbits, but there is non- significant (P>0.05) differences between the
thickness of the serosa in sheep and rabbit in the duodenum. On the other hand, the columnar cells showed a
weakly reaction with Periodic acid Schiff stain (PAS), but goblet cells in sheep and rabbits shown strong reaction
with PAS. While the Brunner’s glands were strong reaction with PAS in sheep and weakly reaction with PAS in
rabbit. In conclusion, this study showed that sheep and rabbits have similarities and differences in the
duodenum; that is, the layers of this organ has different thicknesses and respond differently to periodic acid
Schiff stain.
Keywords: Duodenum, Histochemistry, Histomorphology, Rabbit, Sheep
Evolution between animals causes many changes so that it can adapt to its environments. Each animal species has
unique characters that help them survive and can consume different types of feed (Salama et al., 2019). Rabbits are
considered economically significant animals as they have the advantage of their meat and furring, are used as pets, and
they are substantial at scientific and medical experiences (Salama et al., 2019). On the other hand, sheep have been able
to use lignocellulosic materials and convert them to animal products of high nutritional value, such as meat, milk,
wool/fur, hide, and manure (Saeed et al., 2018). Fermentation organs are depend on a symbiotic relationship with a
community of microbes, primarily bacteria with fibrinolytic ability in either their foregut (which the rumen of ruminants
and the pseudo-ruminants) or their hindgut (which the cecum and colon of non-ruminant herbivores), for fiber digestion
Given the comparative investigations of the digestive tract it can be said that the level of development of each
segment is directly related to the living environment, nutritional and metabolic needs (Kotze et al., 2010). The small
intestine is a long, tubular organ, connects the stomach to the large intestine and can be divided into duodenum, Jejunum
and Ileum based on anatomy and function, the duodenum is a tiny fraction of the small intestine, it is the site of most of
the breakdown of the food passing through it, the duodenum is line with duodenal sub mucosal glands, which secrete an
alkaline mucus that supports the intestinal enzymes and aids in the absorption of nutrients (Cunningham and Klein,
2007). In histological approach, the duodenum wall has four concentric layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and
epithelium of small intestine is covers by the villi which are already protruded into the intestinal lumen and it also lines
finger like projections forms of a core of reticular tissue covers by surface epithelium, Also, among the villi are small
openings of the simple tube glands called the intestinal glands (crypts of Lieberkuhn). Whereas, Al-Shamary et al. (2017)
stated that the crypts of Lieberkühn are simple tubular glands called intestinal glands that were extend from the
muscularis mucosa till the bases of the villi, they were lined by a simple columnar epithelium. Calamar et al. (2014)
reported that the sub-mucosa tunic is formed of loose connective tissue and provides support for the vascular and nerve
network. The Brunner's glands: are branched tubuloalveolar glands, located in sub mucosa, they existed at each
Citation: Mohammad HJ, Ali KA, Al-Ali ZAJR (2020). Histomorphologal and histochemical structure in the duodenum of sheep (Ovis aries) and rabbit (Oryctolagus