Volume 10, Issue 6: 259-267; November 27, 2020
ISSN 2228-7701
Amine MUSTEFA1 , Teklewold BELAYHUN1, Awoke MELAK1, Mulata HAYELOM2, Abebe HAILU1
and Abraham ASSEFA1
1Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, P. O. Box 30726, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2Mekelle Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box, 30726, Mekelle, Ethiopia
Email: aminemustefa32@gmail.com;
ABSTRACT: Twenty-four qualitative and nine quantitative variables on a total of 251 adult cattle from two
purposively selected districts were recorded to characterize Harmo cattle at its natural production environment
in 2019. Effect of sampled district, sex and age on the quantitative measurements and qualitative
characteristics were analyzed using General linear model (GLM) procedure and non-parametric (Chi-square) test
of Statistical Analysis System (SAS 9.0) respectively. The qualitative characteristics and quantitative
measurements of Harmo cattle were partially affected by district, sex and age categories. Majority of Harmo
cattle were horned (100%) with lyre shaped (83.73%) upward orientation (92.46%) and wide horn spacing (≥ 30
cm) (96.03%). They also possess straight edged ear (97.22%). Harmo cattle hump was erected (98.81%), and
small (88.1%) and found at cervical thoracic (78.57) position. The results also revealed that Harmo cattle were
characterized by flat face (99.21%), straight back profile (88.49%), long tail (95.24%) and large dewlap (75%).
Body color pattern of Harmo cattle was uniform (61.11%), spotty (26.98%) and others (11.9%). Red and light-red
were the body and head color of the majority of the studied cattle populations. Beside their large horns Harmo
cows also possess medium (38.8%) and large (42.4%) naval flap. Similarly, the oxen also possess medium
(46.4%) and large (50%) preputial sheath. The overall measurements of body length, Heart girth, Height at
withers, Pelvic width, Muzzle circumference, Ear length, Horn length, Canon bone length, Hock circumference for
Harmo oxen and cows were 127.8±1.22, 146.7±1.37, 121.7±0.92, 35.5±0.45, 39.5±0.35, 21.2±0.31,
65.5±2.08, 25.0±0.30, 33.0±0.28 and 121.3±0.43, 138.9±0.48 116.5±0.32, 35.0±0.16, 36.9±0.12,
21.3±0.11, 61.8±0.73, 24.0±0.11, 31.3±0.10, respectively. These results show Harmo cattle possess long and
thin body and long ear and horn in comparison with most of the Ethiopian cattle breeds. The thin body of Harmo
cattle might be due to shortage of available feed in and around the breeding tract of the breed. The long ear and
horn may help them to adapt the hot bushy grazing land environment and protect themselves from the enemy
existed in their natural habitat.
Keywords: Biometry, Breeding, Harmo Cattle, Morphometric characterizes, Raya-Azebo.
Ethiopia have the largest cattle population size in Africa (60.39 million heads) without counting some zones of the highly
populated Regions (Afar and Somali) (CSA, 2018). Majority of the cattle population are indigenous breeds, which are
found in the rural part of the country, while some exotic and crossbreds also exist mainly in the urban and peri-urban
country, farmers and pastoralists get multiple functions from their productions and services. Cattle genetic resources
Diversity in animal genetic resource is important for current and future research and development works. Diversity
allows the indigenous genetic resources to adapt and produce in a more diversified agro ecologies. Variation with in and
2019). It is more likely to bring genetic improvement in a population with high variation than low variation. This increment
in production and productivity will in turn help us to answer the food security problems; market requirements and
nutritional gaps. Similarly, as the variation within and among breeds increase it brings a good opportunity to find
adaptable breeds to the changing agro ecology due to different factors including the climate change. Therefore, to better
understand the level of diversity and potential of our indigenous animal genetic resources, proper characterization works
are crucial (EBI, 2016). However, in Ethiopia there is a gap of harmonizing the characterization works, keeping proper
production and reproduction records and positivity towards conservation of the indigenous animal genetic resources.
Citation: Mustefa A, Belayhun T, Melak A, Hayelom M, Hailu A and Assefa A (2020). Body morphometric measurements in Harmo cattle (Raya-Azebo cattle) in Southern