These results are in agreement with the results of Robinson et al. (1991) who reported a significantly higher dry
matter percentage in ad libitum fed chickens than in restricted fed chickens. The carcass ash contents of chickens were
8.65%, 8.61%, 8.56% and 8.23% for chickens that were subjected to AA, AR, RA and RR treatments respectively. The
results on the carcass ash percentage did not differ (P>0.05) between chickens that were allocated to different feeding
treatments. In spite of insignificant differences between chickens that were subjected to different treatments, Koekoek
chickens that were full-fed (AA and AR) had higher carcass ash content than their counterparts by 2.67 percent. This
insignificant differences showed that the carcass ash content was not related to the slaughter weight hence a non-
significant correlation (r= 0.076) between ash content and slaughter weight.
At the age of 32 weeks the meat ash percentage was higher (6.32%) in chickens there were allotted to restricted
feeding for both rearing and laying phases (RR) as compared to the ash content of chickens that were in AA, AR and RA
treatments with the ash percentages of 6.13%, 6.17% and 6.06% respectively. These results pointed out that chickens
that were feed restricted for a longer period had higher carcass ash content. The findings of this study showed that the
higher the slaughter weight the lower the ash content in Koekoek chickens at the age of 32 weeks. The ash percentage
had insignificant negative correlation (r= -0.110) with the slaughter weight. The carcass ash content had no significant
correlation with crude protein, fat and dry matter percentages. This means that the ash content cannot be estimated by
relating it either with body weight or any of the nutrients. The results also revealed a decline of 27.50% in ash content
across all treatments from 18 to 32 weeks of age meaning that the older the chickens the lesser the ash content.
Renema et al. (1999) also reported the similar ash content between full fed and restricted fed chickens. Koekoek
chickens that were allocated to full feeding and restricted feeding had different carcass fat percentages. An average
crude fat percentage of chickens that were full-fed (AA and AR) was higher (P<0.05; 42.49%) than the ones of Koekoek
chickens that were feed restricted (RA and RR) with an average fat content of 33.10%. The findings implied that heavier
chickens at slaughter age had higher crude fat percentage. This can be clearly confirmed by the positive (p<0.01)
correlation (r=0.635) between slaughter weight and crude fat percentage. The crude fat percentage also had a positive
correlation (r=0.682) with the dry matter percentage while the opposite was true with the crude protein percentage (r= -
0.627; p<0.01).
At the age of 32 weeks, the crude fat percentages of Koekoek chickens that were full-fed (AA and RA) were different
(p<0.05) from crude fat percentages of birds that were under feed restriction (AR and RR). Birds that were in AA
treatment had higher fat content of 51.90% and they were not significantly different from Koekoek chickens that were in
RA treatment with the crude fat content of 50.20 percent. The lowest (p<0.05) percentage (40.02%) of the crude fat was
recorded in Koekoek chickens that were in RR treatment followed by chickens that were subjected to AR treatment with
45.25 percent. It was also observed that the crude fat content increased as chickens were getting older across all the
feeding level treatments. Chickens in RA treatment had the highest increase with reference to crude fat as compared to
crude fat content of chickens in other treatments while chickens in AR treatment had the lowest fat accumulation from
18 to 32 weeks of age. The highest crude fat percentage obtained from chickens that were in RA treatment can possibly
be attached to the compensatory growth shown by the same group of chickens. The crude fat percentages increased by
16.30%, 8.22%, 33.33%, and 18.24% for chickens that were in AA, AR, RA and RR treatments respectively.
The results of this study are in accord with the findings of Renema et al. (1999) who stated that the higher crude fat
content was found in birds that had heavy body weights compared to lower body weights chickens. Crounch et al. (2002)
also indicated that turkeys that were feed restricted had lower crude fat during the rearing when compared to the ones
carcass fat content of restricted fed birds was lower (p<0.05) than of control fed birds. Renema et al. (1999) also
indicated that carcass lipid remained significantly greater in ad libitum fed birds than in restricted fed birds.
The results of this study as depicted in Table 1 indicated that crude protein percentage of birds that were under full
feeding were different (p<0.05) from the one of the birds that were under restricted feeding during rearing phase.
Koekoek chickens that were full-fed obtained a lower percentage of crude protein (39.35%) while birds that were raised
under feed restriction had crude protein of 50.39 percent. This indicated that an average crude protein percentage of
restricted fed chickens was higher than the one of full-fed chickens by 21.91 percent. These results evidently illustrated
that chickens with high body weight and fat content had reduced crude protein content hence why the crude protein is
negatively correlated (p<0.01) with the body slaughter weight (r = -0.467 ), crude fat content (r = - 0.627), dry matter
content (r= -0.553) and ash (r = -0.295; p<0.05).
At the age of 32 weeks Koekoek chickens that were full-fed for the entire study (AA) obtained lower (p<0.05)
percentage of crude protein (39.71%) than chickens that were exposed to feed restriction for the entire study (RR) which
had highest protein content (45.14%). The crude protein percentages of Koekoek chickens that were in AR (41.93%) and
RA (41.77%) treatments were statistically (p>0.05) similar and were different (p<0.05) from chickens that were in AA and
RR treatments. The results also showed a negative (p<0.01) correlation (r= -0.547) between the slaughter weight and
crude protein.
The findings of this study disclosed that the crude protein percentage of chickens that were initially on full feeding in
the rearing and later shifted to restricted feeding during the laying phase ( AR) increased by 2.81% while the one of
chickens that were fed restrictedly during rearing and full-fed during laying ( RA) declined drastically by 16.42 percent.
Koekoek chickens that were full-fed for the two phases increased their protein content by 5.21% from 18 to 32 weeks of
age. The protein percentage of chickens that were exposed to restricted feeding for the whole study (RR) decreased by
Citation: Molapo S and Webb E (2020). Influence of feed restriction method and season on the chemical composition of meat in Koekoek chickens. Online J. Anim. Feed