The present study revealed that there were no significant differences in intake, digestibility, linear body measurement and
growth performance of goats fed different proportion of concentrate and cowpea hay. However, sole cowpea hay
supplementation performs better in terms of net return and farmers’ preference. Therefore, supplementation of sole
cowpea hay would be both biologically and economically the optimum level for Abergelle goats bred. Moreover, the result
suggests that cowpea hay could replace concentrate mix in goats feeding in which concentrates are not available or
expensive for smallholder farmers in the rural area.. Therefore, intervention in disseminating the use of cowpea hay is
essential as the forage could be a useful feed in improving the productivity of goat under intensive production system.
Verification of the proposed feeding regime under smallholders is essential as well as the performance and economics of
length of stay in feedlots should be further study in the future
Authors’ contribution
All authors contributed equally to this research work. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
The Authors would like to thank Sekota dry land agricultural research center for their support during data recording
and feeding of animal.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that we have not conflict of interest. Bewketu Amare and Ayalew Girmay have declared and
agree the rule of the journal and put the signatures on the declaration form. Bewketu Amare is first Author whereas
Ayalew Girmay is second Author of the papers. The contribution of the Author Bewketu Amare is from initiation of the
paper until final write up. But, Ayalew Girmay was contributed for presentation of the paper in regional review.
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Citation: Amare B and Girmay A (2020). Effect of dietary supplemented cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) hay as replacement of concentrate on performance and economic